Canine Conditioning
We all love our dogs and want what is best for them.
We want them to be fit and healthy, not to mention avoiding unnecessary vet bills. This is especially important for those dogs participating in any dog sports. Time spent away from competition can be frustrating for owners but by ensuring our dogs are as fit as they can be, we can reduce the risk of injury and may be able to enhance their performance and extend their competitive career.
As a licensed Canine Conditioning Coach I am able to offer a tailored programme designed specifically for your dog to strengthen the canine core. A strong core will not only strengthen your dog but will also support the more superficial muscles, preventing them from overworking and becoming more susceptible to injury.
Formula 14 is an 8-week course, consisting of a series of exercises taught in class and practiced at home in between classes. Scientifically proven to make measurable changes in muscles this course is unique. Some equipment is needed but it is possible to modify items to hand if there is no specialist equipment available.
Photo by Catch the Memories